Oven, iron model missile, rotor, wooden table leg, microphone, 2022, Dimensions Variable

cooking class

Cooking Class

The two ovens confront each other in a powerhouse stance. The countdown and the roaring sound of fighter jets that surround them are amplified throughout the space, as if a tense game seems imminent. At this moment, all the spotlights are shone into the tiny mechanical box.

Through sound and a metaphorical collection of objects and readymades (microphones, ovens, timers), the artist explores the powerlessness and weakness of the individual as a society in a contemporary international environment where the rapid development of the information media and the media itself can be used as a weapon in new forms of warfare. The imminent danger behind the “glass screen” (microwave oven and missile model), the media and discourse that focuses and amplifies the power of speech (microphone cluster and stool legs), the tension that is about to occur at any moment, and the social focus that is constantly being reincarnated (microwave oven’s timer “Ding! “) , and us in the face of it all in such an environment. We listen to the loud noises and feel the suffocating, dangerous atmosphere, but we know that it’s all happening on that tiny screen, so what does it matter to me what the atmosphere is like? What does the world have to do with me? The moment we don’t come over, we slowly become uncaring, and we gradually become numb to it - as the information is repeated and exploded, rushing us into the age of the zetabyte.

  • Title

  • Cooking Class

  • Year

  • 2022

  • Materials

  • Oven, iron model missile, rotor, wooden table leg, microphone

  • Dimensions

  • Dimensions variable

  • Exhibitions

  • Wha Wha, Cookhouse Gallery Chelsea College of Art, London, UK, 2022


The Duel of the Novice Athletes with Zero Basics. 2023


Riddle of Sphinx. 2020