TV, slide projector, typewriter, metal parts, resin, paint, acrylic,  2020, Dimensions Variable

Watch & Talk

  • Title

  • Watch & Talk

  • Year

  • 2020

  • Materials

  • TV, slide projector, typewriter, metal parts, resin, paint, acrylic

  • Dimensions

  • Dimensions variable

  • Exhibitions

  • N/A

  • Description

  • For the first piece of this project, I grafted a typewriter onto an acrylic box, typed the year on typing paper and used Google search to search from "2040 BC" all the way to the present time, typed the first paragraph of the search results for each year on the paper by hand with the typewriter and then After typing, the first paragraph of each year was typed by hand on paper using a typewriter and poured into the acrylic box until the whole box was filled.

  • The project lasted two weeks and the drip glue eventually solidified and became a sculpture. This is a recreation of the way humans create electronic memories in the internet age.


Riddle of Sphinx. 2020