Reading, Night Walk, Fishing

  • Oil on canvas, 1200mm×3400mm, 2020

  • Reading, Night Walk, Fishing are works completed in the series "Record of Contemplation" in 2020, depicting the sense of detachment brought about by the current epidemic rumours and the monopoly of information. All of the images in the work are derived from the artist's collection of Internet rumours, a mixture of truth and falsehood, during the 2020 epidemic. Borrowing from the album cover of the famous rock album Abbey Road, the colour and composition of the work is based on a false news story about "red lights in the city, no more than three people allowed" during the epidemic, a witty depiction of the information revolution brought about by the rapid development of virtual reality today.

    In terms of technique, the Night Walk grouping continues the artist's signature highly saturated colour overpainting, using extremely thin, highly transparent colours that overlap with each other to create a visually striking, richer and more varied image.